Member Resources

Upload Your Event to the PBG's Community Calendar

All members & community partners of the PBG are invited to upload their events to the calendar in order to promote them to the local & visiting community in Provicetown.

New Membership Directory is Live!

As part of the 2023 season launch we’ve been hard at work to build out a brand new & improved membership directory to make it easier for visitors to find the best that town has to offer while making your business look the best it can. 

You can visit the new directory now at

If you have questions about your listing or need to make an update, please reach out to

Last Minute Lodging Availability

Lodging members with Last Minute Lodging Availability functionality can log in with their account credentials or use the field below to be emailed a passwordless login link in order to update their listing.

If you have questions about the functionality or need help, please reach out to