
Disco Duck Carnival Cruise Featuring DJ Lina Bradford


Sunday August 13, 2023


12:00 pm - 3:00 pm


MacMillan Pier
Ryder Street Extension, Provincetown, MA 02657


$50 Advance / $55 Day Of


This Disco Duck Is Setting Sail!

The Land of Toys Carnival Cruise features music by DJ Andrew Haig & NYC golden-era icon and black trans advocate DJ Lina Bradford, Sponsored by Bay State Cruise Co.


Provincetown’s 45th Annual Carnival Officially Kicks-Off with three hours of joyful sunshine-spinning from our DJs, a full cash bar with specialty cocktails, and concessions for purchase. COME AS YOU ARE. This party is for ALL Carnival-goers!

Boarding begins at 3:15PM and the boat leaves at 4PM.

There is NO BOARDING AFTER 4PM, so clean up your room, pack up those toys, and get on board early so that you don’t miss this boat!

Rain or shine. No refunds.

Thank you to our incredible ‘Land of Toys’ Carnival sponsors for 2023. Without their support the Carnival Parade and all of our marketing and efforts would not be possible: DelMar Vacation Rentals, iHeart Media, Gilead Health Sciences, Grindr, Xfinity, Cape Cod 5, Seamen’s Bank, The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod, The Boatslip, The Crown & Anchor, The Brass Key, The Provincetown Brewing Co., SmartWater and Provincetown Tourism.

Start making your plans for Carnival 2024…

Next year’s Carnival Dates are August 17th-24th!

Proceeds from this event will benefit the work of the Provincetown Business Guild; learn more about our mission to preserve Ptown as the #1 gay community in America.

Use the form below or click here to order your tickets for this event + all other Carnival 2023 events produced by the Provincetown Business Guild.