
2024 Provincetown Polar Bear Plunge


Monday January 01, 2024


7:00 am - 7:30 am


Johnson Street Parking Lot
14 Johnson St




On New Years Day 2024, Provincetown will celebrate the seventh annual Polar Bear Plunge! On that day, hundreds of intrepid plungers will meet in the Johnson Street parking lot, collect tee-shirts, gather inspiration from tracks spun by our New Year’s Day DJ, and learn about the important work of the Center for Coastal Studies! At noon, weather permitting, registrants will run, splash and plunge into the waters of Provincetown Harbor.

The cost for single-registrants is $60.

New this year, participants may register with a Team! Each Team must consist of between 2-5 registrants. Each Team Member will also register for $60, but will additionally be responsible for a a personal fundraising goal of at least $100. To create a new Team, please select the Team Registration event from the Polar Plunge homepage. In order to join a preexisting Team, please register as a single-registration and opt into the preexisting Team Fundraiser name with the “search team fundraisers” button in registration process.

This year, single-registrants and teams are also encouraged to pledge additional fundraising efforts to help support The Center for Coastal Studies, but it is not required. Finally, if you are unable to participate in this year’s Polar Plunge in person, we will gratefully accept single-registrations for those who wish to participate virtually! Registrants may participate virtually by submitting a video of photo of my plunge utilizing the hashtag #PolarPlunge24. via social media videos of their own curated plunges using the hashtag #PtownPolarPlunge24. The best off-site plunge will be posted to @ptownbusinessguild and @centerforcoastalstudies

Awards will be announced at Harbor Lounge in the following categories:

  • Top Single-Registration Fundraiser
  • Top Team-Registration Fundraisers
  • Best Individual Look
  • Best Team Look

All plungers MUST wear water-shoes to prevent injury by sharp rocks and/or oyster shells in that part of the harbor. We will have limited water shoes for purchase on-site. 

All registration and pledged proceeds go directly towards supporting The Center for Coastal Studies. In addition to DJ music and guest emcee Trampolina, registrants will be provided with Manzanita Coffee, Captain’s Daughter’s tea and the best group of people willing to run into the bay on New Years Day!

Presented by the Provincetown Business Guild, this event is sponsored by the Harbor Lounge, Yolqueria, Mezzeterranean and the 8 Dyer Hotel, will feature warm-up cocktails by Tito’s Vodka and chili at Harbor Lounge provided by Stop & Shop. 

This charity tradition is part of the Provincetown First Light celebrations for New Years Weekend 2024.